About Danielle L. Ruffin

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Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

FACT: Your Small Business Will Fail...

The fact of the matter is your small business will FAIL if you don't get your product and/or service to viable buyers.

I was reading an article on CBS News website today about how small businesses throughout America are faltering during these economic times. One lady even said she was already anticipating  30% loss this year from last. Is that scary?!?

The even bigger, less evident truth is that many of these small business owners simply won't be able to weather the storm during this economic climate. It seems like God's way of flushing the marketplace, because, on the other hand, there are businesses that are flourishing during these times.

As many inspirational souls have said,  if you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done. It's not usually used in this context, but it's fitting nontheless, because there are so many small business owners that need to wake up!

The conventional ways of marketing services, products, or even a job opening are out! Print ads, newspaper classifieds, radio spots, ect are all wonderful in their respects, and can still generate you some traffic. However, with the Billions of people on the internet today, there is no cheaper, faster,or more efficient way to get you and your company to the marketplace. So what are you waiting for?

The time is now! As an entrepreneur, you are not here to lose money or fail. Put your innovation and ingenuity to work and tackle that elephant in the room before it devours everything you've worked so diligently to build.

Hope to see you at the top!

Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it!- Dani Johnson
skype: Danielle_Ruffin

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