About Danielle L. Ruffin

My photo
Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Vishal's 5 Steps to a 6 Figure Income

31 year old Vishal is not only a husband and father, but can also holds the title of an amazing Internet Marketer, Coach, and Trainer. Before joining Carbon Copy Pro, Vishal was an overworked Senior Engineer in Corporate America making a nice 6 figure income, but just wasn't satisfied with the lifestyle.

A native of Haridwar in northern India, relocated to Boulder
Colorado, Vishal spent 5 years working his tail off until he decided he's had enough.

After just 15 months of entrepreneurship with Carbon Copy Pro, Vishal was able to walk away from that "jail", having replaced his 6 figure salary(and some)!

When asked "What does it really take to be come a leader and have a successful home business?", Vishal reflects on what he did to ramp up his business from $187k in 2008 to over $334 in 2009(all while cutting his working hours in half). Check out Vishal's "personal formula for massive success".

(Now would be a good time to get out a pen and paper because these the secrets his clients coaching clients have paid hundreds of $$$ to hear!)

1. Connect your income goals with your emotional goals.
- Vishal says his goals became so much more real when he identified terms of emotion, not just dollars and cents. His emotional goals drove him to succeed so much more than just the extra 100k in his bank account!

2. Calculate the specific income you need to hit to achieve your emotional goals.
- Vishal connected his emotional goal of owning an ocean front home in CA with the $50k per month profit necessary to get his dream home. Every day, he visualized his ideal home with the perfect little pink bedroom for his smiling daughter and lovely decor that his wife Shaila would be proud of. In order to make that $50k per month, Vishal was able to break it down to know that he needed to focus all his energy on generating the 80 leads per day that would
bring about his envisioned emotional goal.

3. Become a master at your trade.
- Developing mastery of the skills that make your money will allow you to hit your goals quickly

4. Work ON the business, not in the business.
- There's no need to do everything yourself, and the truth is that you could never do it all alone successfully. Therefore, Vishal suggests hiring virtual employees to outsource lots of the day to day activities that keep business owners bogged down instead of enjoying the lifestyle.

5. Stop to review the progress of your business ever 60 days.
- Evaluate, then focus your time and energy on building
relationships with your team and masterminding with other leaders.

There you have it! Straight from the mouth of a 6 figure internet marketing guru and leader here part of the Carbon Copy Pro Community. This month, we here in the community are congratulating Vishal for his amazing success in finding the winning formula!

Can you imagine the powerful, life-changing impact it would have on your business and your life to work in the same community masterminding with brilliant leaders like Vishal and so many others here at Pro?

Find out for once and for all if this community is really for you or not!

---> http://www.NotEasyButWorthIt.com

Nonetheless, don't let this summer slip away without making a decision to DO something!

Until next time...

Make it Happ'n!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Event: 5 Simple Steps to Generating Your First 100 Leads On Less Than $500.

After spending about 7 years in the industry and never even generating a single lead over the internet, this 24 year old kid paid over $15,000 investing in companies and trainings, drudging through the muck & mess on the internet to find out what really works!

So that you don't have to spend anywhere near as much time and money as she did to get down to these strategic bankable methods that all the big guys use, and because she has a real heart for those who just need the simple directions to create breakthroughs in their lives, Danielle has put together a two-part webinar series that will give you everything you need so you don't have to spend years toiling around in the dark while everyone else who knows these simple strategies is out making a KILLING!

5 Simple Steps to Generating Your First 100 Leads On Less Than $500.
This course is for you if you...
  1. are new to marketing on the internet!
  2. are tired of paying lead generation companies an arm and a leg for crappy, twice worked over, poo-quality leads!
  3. are trying to establish an online presence for your traditional, and/or brick & mortar business!
  4. are tired of bugging the heck out of your friends, family, and co-workers about your latest 'deal'!
  5. have the intense desire to be successful online but don't know where to start or how to get there!
  6. need a blueprint for how to generate leads consistently over time without breaking the bank!
  7. are on an air tight budget($500 or less) and need to make some quick sales!
If any of the above sound like you, then you really cannot afford to miss this 2-part webinar series all about 5 Simple Steps To Generate Your First 100 Leads On Less Than $500

Because of the real-world value and earning potential of each single one of these 5 explosive strategies, the tuition for this course could easily be set at about $500 per technique, totaling to $2500.

$2500 in the business world is no money when it comes to investments- you need $1Mill in assets to open a Micky D's- but because you are hungry, and in need of your first big break, it won't be $2500, or even $1500.

Because this is truly Danielle's sincere desire to help everyone who so has the intense desire to help themselves, you are being offered this course not for $500, and not even for $100, but for only $39.97.

This course will be taking place Wednesday and Thursday, August 11th and 12th, 2010 at 9:00PM EST
In order for you to get all the registration details, please also send a short email with the subject line: "Registration" to RegisterForDaniellesEvent@gmail.com.

But Wait!!! For those true leaders that know opportunities like this just don't wait, there is an even greater reward! The first 2 people who register before August 11th at Midnight EST, will receive an even bigger discount of 50%, bringing your cost down to $19.97(You will receive a $20 refund from Paypal). Don't forget to send that registration email to RegisterForDaniellesEvent@gmail.com or you won't get all the webinar details and links.

PS: If you think this is something, Danielle will be giving away bonuses during this training that are even worth more than the course fee itself! There is absolutely no excuse for you not to be present if you really are truly serious about getting that business off the ground and getting first check in your mailbox!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Celebrate...You're Gonna Fail!!!

It's a promise that you're gonna fail if you are to ever succeed greatly! Over the past few months, I have learned and implemented so many different things in efforts of achieving my goals. Some of those things have worked well, and others have been embarrassing failures.

Today, I want to take time to appreciate a small victory- I have generated nearly 200 leads, and have also made my first $20. Though I could look at such a small feat as another stepping stone, or even a source of embarrassment that I have not gone further faster, I choose to celebrate my victory today. Because today, I am one monumental step closer to my goal.

Over the past few months, I've also learned that holding onto fears  takes real energy and effort. I personally have been fearful of certain methods because of the vulnerability and knowing that if I do fail, I will be on display for the world to see.

Additionally, I have learned that in order to come into my next level of leadership over the coming months, I will have to step out into the face of fear for everyone to see, and do things that will most likely cause controversy.

It's the mark of a true leader to take chances, fail great, and succeed greater. Now is the time that I must raise the stakes and go all in.  There are always people watching- particularly after you make a commitment! Now that the spotlight is mine, it's time to really perform. However, the ONLY thing I owe them is to be an example!

Today, I challenge you as I challenge myself daily to be strong enough to let go of fear.

Until next time...

Make it happ'n!

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