About Danielle L. Ruffin

My photo
Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Celebrate...You're Gonna Fail!!!

It's a promise that you're gonna fail if you are to ever succeed greatly! Over the past few months, I have learned and implemented so many different things in efforts of achieving my goals. Some of those things have worked well, and others have been embarrassing failures.

Today, I want to take time to appreciate a small victory- I have generated nearly 200 leads, and have also made my first $20. Though I could look at such a small feat as another stepping stone, or even a source of embarrassment that I have not gone further faster, I choose to celebrate my victory today. Because today, I am one monumental step closer to my goal.

Over the past few months, I've also learned that holding onto fears  takes real energy and effort. I personally have been fearful of certain methods because of the vulnerability and knowing that if I do fail, I will be on display for the world to see.

Additionally, I have learned that in order to come into my next level of leadership over the coming months, I will have to step out into the face of fear for everyone to see, and do things that will most likely cause controversy.

It's the mark of a true leader to take chances, fail great, and succeed greater. Now is the time that I must raise the stakes and go all in.  There are always people watching- particularly after you make a commitment! Now that the spotlight is mine, it's time to really perform. However, the ONLY thing I owe them is to be an example!

Today, I challenge you as I challenge myself daily to be strong enough to let go of fear.

Until next time...

Make it happ'n!

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