Particularly in the home-based business arena, many are sold on the benefits of going into business for themselves, yet never really get educated on what it truly takes to make the kind of numbers the company flaunts in its literature and presentations.
So here you have it: 3 things you MUST have before starting a successful home-based business.
1. Mindset
Yes! If you are not in the frame of mind that you will do whatever it takes for however long it takes to get the results you want, don't waste your time. Leaders and top earners alike know better than anyone that it's, above all, about keeping your head in the game.
2. Assets
I hate to be the bearer of bad news here guys, but if you're one of those people who thinks you can simply call 3 people and you're in business, OR, believe you can create a successful business from the ground for the endearing price of FREE-ninty-nine, you're DEAD WRONG! Your business will require assets: money, time, and you. A combination of all 3 is required at every level- from beginner to Quadruple Diamond Deluxe Extreme Supreme Leader-of-the-Century. If you were sold the idea that you could make millions without investing a dollar, you've been duped/had/ hoodwinked/fooled/bamboozled! Furthermore, beware of marketers that promote this get something for nothing ideology.Take some advice from my man, 70's performer, Billy Preston: "Nothin' from nothin' leaves NOTHIN'".
3. Humility
I know you're wondering at this point 'what the heck does she mean I need humility to start a successful business??? However, but it's true. Unfortunately, many people become entrepreneurs with the idea that "I'm gonna do it my way", or wanting to re-invent the wheel. Do yourself a favor and check your ego at the door because it will only keep BROKE and FRUSTRATED! That's not to say that innovation and creativity are not important- they are! However, as a new business developer, your goal should be to be the best copy cat you can be. Find someone who has what you want and do what they do. Simple philosophy, but you'd be amazed how many people's ego won't let them complete this simple action.
So there you have it: 3 things you should totally have before you add the title of "Entrepreneur" to your resume. Best of luck to you, and hope to see you a the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for it to be easy, ask for it to be worth it.- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
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About The Author:
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.
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