31 year old Vishal is not only a husband and father, but can also holds the title of an amazing Internet Marketer, Coach, and Trainer. Before joining Carbon Copy Pro, Vishal was an overworked Senior Engineer in Corporate America making a nice 6 figure income, but just wasn't satisfied with the lifestyle.
A native of Haridwar in northern India, relocated to Boulder
Colorado, Vishal spent 5 years working his tail off until he decided he's had enough.
After just 15 months of entrepreneurship with Carbon Copy Pro, Vishal was able to walk away from that "jail", having replaced his 6 figure salary(and some)!
When asked "What does it really take to be come a leader and have a successful home business?", Vishal reflects on what he did to ramp up his business from $187k in 2008 to over $334 in 2009(all while cutting his working hours in half). Check out Vishal's "personal formula for massive success".
(Now would be a good time to get out a pen and paper because these the secrets his clients coaching clients have paid hundreds of $$$ to hear!)
1. Connect your income goals with your emotional goals.
- Vishal says his goals became so much more real when he identified terms of emotion, not just dollars and cents. His emotional goals drove him to succeed so much more than just the extra 100k in his bank account!
2. Calculate the specific income you need to hit to achieve your emotional goals.
- Vishal connected his emotional goal of owning an ocean front home in CA with the $50k per month profit necessary to get his dream home. Every day, he visualized his ideal home with the perfect little pink bedroom for his smiling daughter and lovely decor that his wife Shaila would be proud of. In order to make that $50k per month, Vishal was able to break it down to know that he needed to focus all his energy on generating the 80 leads per day that would
bring about his envisioned emotional goal.
3. Become a master at your trade.
- Developing mastery of the skills that make your money will allow you to hit your goals quickly
4. Work ON the business, not in the business.
- There's no need to do everything yourself, and the truth is that you could never do it all alone successfully. Therefore, Vishal suggests hiring virtual employees to outsource lots of the day to day activities that keep business owners bogged down instead of enjoying the lifestyle.
5. Stop to review the progress of your business ever 60 days.
- Evaluate, then focus your time and energy on building
relationships with your team and masterminding with other leaders.
There you have it! Straight from the mouth of a 6 figure internet marketing guru and leader here part of the Carbon Copy Pro Community. This month, we here in the community are congratulating Vishal for his amazing success in finding the winning formula!
Can you imagine the powerful, life-changing impact it would have on your business and your life to work in the same community masterminding with brilliant leaders like Vishal and so many others here at Pro?
Find out for once and for all if this community is really for you or not!
---> http://www.NotEasyButWorthIt.com
Nonetheless, don't let this summer slip away without making a decision to DO something!
Until next time...
Make it Happ'n!
A spirited young entrepreneur, expatriate, and world citizen looking to leave her mark on the world.
About Danielle L. Ruffin

- Danielle L. Ruffin
- Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
- Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Event: 5 Simple Steps to Generating Your First 100 Leads On Less Than $500.
After spending about 7 years in the industry and never even generating a single lead over the internet, this 24 year old kid paid over $15,000 investing in companies and trainings, drudging through the muck & mess on the internet to find out what really works!
So that you don't have to spend anywhere near as much time and money as she did to get down to these strategic bankable methods that all the big guys use, and because she has a real heart for those who just need the simple directions to create breakthroughs in their lives, Danielle has put together a two-part webinar series that will give you everything you need so you don't have to spend years toiling around in the dark while everyone else who knows these simple strategies is out making a KILLING!
5 Simple Steps to Generating Your First 100 Leads On Less Than $500.
This course is for you if you...- are new to marketing on the internet!
- are tired of paying lead generation companies an arm and a leg for crappy, twice worked over, poo-quality leads!
- are trying to establish an online presence for your traditional, and/or brick & mortar business!
- are tired of bugging the heck out of your friends, family, and co-workers about your latest 'deal'!
- have the intense desire to be successful online but don't know where to start or how to get there!
- need a blueprint for how to generate leads consistently over time without breaking the bank!
- are on an air tight budget($500 or less) and need to make some quick sales!
Because of the real-world value and earning potential of each single one of these 5 explosive strategies, the tuition for this course could easily be set at about $500 per technique, totaling to $2500.
$2500 in the business world is no money when it comes to investments- you need $1Mill in assets to open a Micky D's- but because you are hungry, and in need of your first big break, it won't be $2500, or even $1500.
Because this is truly Danielle's sincere desire to help everyone who so has the intense desire to help themselves, you are being offered this course not for
This course will be taking place Wednesday and Thursday, August 11th and 12th, 2010 at 9:00PM EST
In order for you to get all the registration details, please also send a short email with the subject line: "Registration" to RegisterForDaniellesEvent@gmail.com.
But Wait!!! For those true leaders that know opportunities like this just don't wait, there is an even greater reward! The first 2 people who register before August 11th at Midnight EST, will receive an even bigger discount of 50%, bringing your cost down to $19.97(You will receive a $20 refund from Paypal). Don't forget to send that registration email to RegisterForDaniellesEvent@gmail.com or you won't get all the webinar details and links.
PS: If you think this is something, Danielle will be giving away bonuses during this training that are even worth more than the course fee itself! There is absolutely no excuse for you not to be present if you really are truly serious about getting that business off the ground and getting first check in your mailbox!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Celebrate...You're Gonna Fail!!!
It's a promise that you're gonna fail if you are to ever succeed greatly! Over the past few months, I have learned and implemented so many different things in efforts of achieving my goals. Some of those things have worked well, and others have been embarrassing failures.
Today, I want to take time to appreciate a small victory- I have generated nearly 200 leads, and have also made my first $20. Though I could look at such a small feat as another stepping stone, or even a source of embarrassment that I have not gone further faster, I choose to celebrate my victory today. Because today, I am one monumental step closer to my goal.
Over the past few months, I've also learned that holding onto fears takes real energy and effort. I personally have been fearful of certain methods because of the vulnerability and knowing that if I do fail, I will be on display for the world to see.
Additionally, I have learned that in order to come into my next level of leadership over the coming months, I will have to step out into the face of fear for everyone to see, and do things that will most likely cause controversy.
It's the mark of a true leader to take chances, fail great, and succeed greater. Now is the time that I must raise the stakes and go all in. There are always people watching- particularly after you make a commitment! Now that the spotlight is mine, it's time to really perform. However, the ONLY thing I owe them is to be an example!
Today, I challenge you as I challenge myself daily to be strong enough to let go of fear.
Until next time...
Make it happ'n!
Today, I want to take time to appreciate a small victory- I have generated nearly 200 leads, and have also made my first $20. Though I could look at such a small feat as another stepping stone, or even a source of embarrassment that I have not gone further faster, I choose to celebrate my victory today. Because today, I am one monumental step closer to my goal.
Over the past few months, I've also learned that holding onto fears takes real energy and effort. I personally have been fearful of certain methods because of the vulnerability and knowing that if I do fail, I will be on display for the world to see.
Additionally, I have learned that in order to come into my next level of leadership over the coming months, I will have to step out into the face of fear for everyone to see, and do things that will most likely cause controversy.
It's the mark of a true leader to take chances, fail great, and succeed greater. Now is the time that I must raise the stakes and go all in. There are always people watching- particularly after you make a commitment! Now that the spotlight is mine, it's time to really perform. However, the ONLY thing I owe them is to be an example!
Today, I challenge you as I challenge myself daily to be strong enough to let go of fear.
Until next time...
Make it happ'n!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
3 Simple Steps to Get Out of a Slump & Back on Track!
I recently began a challenge of generating $15k/month in 12 months to show not just the positive progress, but also the struggles and downfalls I experience over the course of my journey. In the interest of having this be a true reflection of my experience, as well as hopefully helping someone else possibly in a similar position, I'm putting it all out there.
Today, week 6: day 43, I have to report that although leads are continuing to trickle in, I feel as though I have been in a slump. Over the past week, I have really lacked enthusiasm and focus for my project. I guess the conflict really comes into play because I know exactly what I am supposed to be doing, but can't seem to focus to get those things done. You ever felt like you want to do something and know what to do, yet at the end of the day- day after day- it just isn't getting done? That's how I've felt over the past week- which was simply not the case 2+ weeks ago.
The next logical question is how do I go from being on top of the world, learning, excited, and focused on obtaining my goals on a daily basis to feeling powerless, and completely out of focus in one short week? How do I get out of a slump? I considered this myself when pondering my situation and I was taken back to an analogy Dani Johnson explained at one of her seminars I attended a while back.
Think of a tool that is fully equipped to effectively do what it was designed to do. For this example, let's say it's a cell phone. This mobile phone is designed to do a variety of vital functions that most of us can't see ourselves living without for any length of time. So you bring home a new cell phone, fully charge the battery, and begin using the phone as it's designed to be used. It works brilliantly! However, what happens to that fully capable cell phone after it's been used for a day or so without recharging the battery? How about after a week or two? This fully functional, capable, specially designed device becomes un-functional and un-capable of doing anything! Furthermore, over time, as you do re-charge the power source, the battery life becomes shorter and shorter, forcing you to recharge the device more frequently.
As Dani so candidly stated and as my experience is teaching me, people are the same way: we need to be re-charged. Ask any highly productive individual, and they also have a 'power source' that they tap into daily to continuously program their minds to stay focused, on task, and enthusiastic about what they're trying to achieve.Furthermore, helping ups to get out of a slump, but also avoid them for as long as possible.
Whether that source is leadership masterminds conference calls, daily chats with like-minded leaders, or even live events like those hosted by all major MLM companies, it's imperative to the success of your business to stay plugged in. Additionally, EVERY successful person knows that you never get it all in one shot- over time, we learn, adapt, and evolve when we plug into training to keep you green & growing.
So, after beating myself up for the past few days for not producing the level of activity I expect from myself, I realized that getting off track is a normal happening. No successful leader has never experienced this. However, what determines the success of a true leader is not whether or not they get off track, but it's whether or not the stay off track that makes the true difference. The skill of knowing how to get out of a slump and back on track is rewarded by achievement of goals.
Therefore, I have decided to take a few simple steps to get myself back on track.
1. Reach out to leaders.
2. Make a new action plan(including a plan to plug into leadership daily).
Bottom line: leaders take action. For me, writing this message is my step 3, so I'm back in action folks! Make a commitment to yourself today to get up, dust yourself off, get back on the horse, and to never quit!
I leave you with this quote to sum up my sentiments:
“Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”- Mark Victor Hansen
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it!- Dani Johnson
Today, week 6: day 43, I have to report that although leads are continuing to trickle in, I feel as though I have been in a slump. Over the past week, I have really lacked enthusiasm and focus for my project. I guess the conflict really comes into play because I know exactly what I am supposed to be doing, but can't seem to focus to get those things done. You ever felt like you want to do something and know what to do, yet at the end of the day- day after day- it just isn't getting done? That's how I've felt over the past week- which was simply not the case 2+ weeks ago.
The next logical question is how do I go from being on top of the world, learning, excited, and focused on obtaining my goals on a daily basis to feeling powerless, and completely out of focus in one short week? How do I get out of a slump? I considered this myself when pondering my situation and I was taken back to an analogy Dani Johnson explained at one of her seminars I attended a while back.
Think of a tool that is fully equipped to effectively do what it was designed to do. For this example, let's say it's a cell phone. This mobile phone is designed to do a variety of vital functions that most of us can't see ourselves living without for any length of time. So you bring home a new cell phone, fully charge the battery, and begin using the phone as it's designed to be used. It works brilliantly! However, what happens to that fully capable cell phone after it's been used for a day or so without recharging the battery? How about after a week or two? This fully functional, capable, specially designed device becomes un-functional and un-capable of doing anything! Furthermore, over time, as you do re-charge the power source, the battery life becomes shorter and shorter, forcing you to recharge the device more frequently.
As Dani so candidly stated and as my experience is teaching me, people are the same way: we need to be re-charged. Ask any highly productive individual, and they also have a 'power source' that they tap into daily to continuously program their minds to stay focused, on task, and enthusiastic about what they're trying to achieve.Furthermore, helping ups to get out of a slump, but also avoid them for as long as possible.
Whether that source is leadership masterminds conference calls, daily chats with like-minded leaders, or even live events like those hosted by all major MLM companies, it's imperative to the success of your business to stay plugged in. Additionally, EVERY successful person knows that you never get it all in one shot- over time, we learn, adapt, and evolve when we plug into training to keep you green & growing.
So, after beating myself up for the past few days for not producing the level of activity I expect from myself, I realized that getting off track is a normal happening. No successful leader has never experienced this. However, what determines the success of a true leader is not whether or not they get off track, but it's whether or not the stay off track that makes the true difference. The skill of knowing how to get out of a slump and back on track is rewarded by achievement of goals.
Therefore, I have decided to take a few simple steps to get myself back on track.
1. Reach out to leaders.
2. Make a new action plan(including a plan to plug into leadership daily).
Bottom line: leaders take action. For me, writing this message is my step 3, so I'm back in action folks! Make a commitment to yourself today to get up, dust yourself off, get back on the horse, and to never quit!
I leave you with this quote to sum up my sentiments:
“Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”- Mark Victor Hansen
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it!- Dani Johnson
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Expatriates In Korea: What to Expect
For those unfamiliar with the term, an expatriate is a person residing in a different country from where he or she is a citizen. The term is more readily referred to skilled professionals sent abroad to work. This began in 19th century when Americans were drawn to other countries, such as Europe and Asia, to study and share their skills. An expatriate can enjoy a favorable tax treatment, unlike immigrants, once they've lived in their chosen country for five years minimum.
Korea is one of the most extraordinary countries in Asia. Though it is not exactly known to be an expatriate haven, it has become famous today for its attractive culture and local development. Korea has a strong culture that is relatively similar to big countries in terms of climate and style.
The language barrier, however, was one of the most significant reasons why foreigners hesitate to expatriate to Korea. Fortunately, this an issue that the nation is attempting to change as Koreans are making the efforts to integrate the English language into their school curriculum, making English proficiency mandatory at most levels of education.
Why Be Expatriates In Korea?
Cost of Living
Korea is known to have a relatively low cost of living, compared to the US and the UK. If you are enjoying a salary of $2000 per month, you can live comfortably by spending roughly $800 of your monthly pay. Food and housing expenses may be rather high by local standards, depending on your location, but transportation and other things are actually very affordable. Additionally, as expatriates, most employers offer housing arrangements as a subsidy or even free of charge.
The climate in Korea is almost similar to countries like Europe, America and Australia. There is really no need for foreigners from these countries to adjust to the weather. It can be warm but muggy during the summer months of June to September, though. Winter, on the other hand, is cold to below the freezing point. The best time to visit Korea is during fall when the weather is mild and a little dry.
Korea has extremes in temperature, to be sure to pack practically. If you are planning to live in the country, pack light shirts and heavy jackets to cope with the temperature disparities. Umbrella and raincoats are also must-haves during the peak of the spring time.
Korea is politically classified as a Republic. Much of its economic prosperity is because of its stable and transparent government, which is somewhat influenced by the American style of governance to date. The economy is very strong and steady, making it a good place to open successful businesses with a greater chance of earning significant profits.
Tax System
Most taxes in Korea are high; however, for those who want to become English language consultants(i.e English Teachers), a lower tax rate is offerred. The income tax rate in Korea is actually quite high- similar to that which is seen in the west. However, for expatriate English teachers, you can expect an income tax rate of 3% to 10%.
Medical Care
Medical care in South Korea is modern, clean and readily available. Before you and/or your family decide to become expatriates in Korea, make sure the health insurance plan you have issued in your country is also accepted in Korea. Nonetheless, Korean employers are obligated to contribute to your health care, as Korea does have a very effective nationalized health-care system. Because of this low-cost, effective system, Koreans do not hesitate to go to the doctor for even minor illnesses.
Medications and health care products are highly accessible and cheap. A lot of doctors also speak English well so you won't always need to bring a Korean friend with you to interpret during consultations.
Additionally, South Korea is becoming increasingly well known for the amount of plastic surgery that is done in country. The propensity to achieve certain features of beauty coupled with the safety and quality of the work has made plastic surgery extremely common in Korea. In addition, the large number of doctors performing routine surgeries such as Botox injections, liposuction, calf reductions, and double eyelid surgeries, make the cost of such procedures comparatively cheaper than in the UK and US.
Several modern shopping malls and boutique shops are available in Korea both for high-end designer retailing or bargain hunting. Koreans are very much into brand names and looking fashionable, so you will most likely find familiar international names in most malls. If you don't like to spend much on brands, you will also find local markets where you can haggle the prices the fit your budget.
Be aware that finding western sizing in Korea is often an issue for expatriates. Particularly for clothes in larger sizes for both men and women, clothing can be very difficult to find. For plus size clothing, it his highly recommended to import items from your home country. Research size conversions thoroughly, but know that on average, Koreans are smaller and shorter than westerners, making their clothing similarly difficult to size. Also, Korean style of dress differs greatly in many respects from styles of the west. Particularly for men, it is considered fashionable for men to wear fitted pants and shirts, whereas the western style is seemingly favors a more relaxed, looser fitting garments.
Korea is one of the most extraordinary countries in Asia. Though it is not exactly known to be an expatriate haven, it has become famous today for its attractive culture and local development. Korea has a strong culture that is relatively similar to big countries in terms of climate and style.
The language barrier, however, was one of the most significant reasons why foreigners hesitate to expatriate to Korea. Fortunately, this an issue that the nation is attempting to change as Koreans are making the efforts to integrate the English language into their school curriculum, making English proficiency mandatory at most levels of education.
Why Be Expatriates In Korea?
Cost of Living
Korea is known to have a relatively low cost of living, compared to the US and the UK. If you are enjoying a salary of $2000 per month, you can live comfortably by spending roughly $800 of your monthly pay. Food and housing expenses may be rather high by local standards, depending on your location, but transportation and other things are actually very affordable. Additionally, as expatriates, most employers offer housing arrangements as a subsidy or even free of charge.
The climate in Korea is almost similar to countries like Europe, America and Australia. There is really no need for foreigners from these countries to adjust to the weather. It can be warm but muggy during the summer months of June to September, though. Winter, on the other hand, is cold to below the freezing point. The best time to visit Korea is during fall when the weather is mild and a little dry.
Korea has extremes in temperature, to be sure to pack practically. If you are planning to live in the country, pack light shirts and heavy jackets to cope with the temperature disparities. Umbrella and raincoats are also must-haves during the peak of the spring time.
Korea is politically classified as a Republic. Much of its economic prosperity is because of its stable and transparent government, which is somewhat influenced by the American style of governance to date. The economy is very strong and steady, making it a good place to open successful businesses with a greater chance of earning significant profits.
Tax System
Most taxes in Korea are high; however, for those who want to become English language consultants(i.e English Teachers), a lower tax rate is offerred. The income tax rate in Korea is actually quite high- similar to that which is seen in the west. However, for expatriate English teachers, you can expect an income tax rate of 3% to 10%.
Medical Care
Medical care in South Korea is modern, clean and readily available. Before you and/or your family decide to become expatriates in Korea, make sure the health insurance plan you have issued in your country is also accepted in Korea. Nonetheless, Korean employers are obligated to contribute to your health care, as Korea does have a very effective nationalized health-care system. Because of this low-cost, effective system, Koreans do not hesitate to go to the doctor for even minor illnesses.
Medications and health care products are highly accessible and cheap. A lot of doctors also speak English well so you won't always need to bring a Korean friend with you to interpret during consultations.
Additionally, South Korea is becoming increasingly well known for the amount of plastic surgery that is done in country. The propensity to achieve certain features of beauty coupled with the safety and quality of the work has made plastic surgery extremely common in Korea. In addition, the large number of doctors performing routine surgeries such as Botox injections, liposuction, calf reductions, and double eyelid surgeries, make the cost of such procedures comparatively cheaper than in the UK and US.
Several modern shopping malls and boutique shops are available in Korea both for high-end designer retailing or bargain hunting. Koreans are very much into brand names and looking fashionable, so you will most likely find familiar international names in most malls. If you don't like to spend much on brands, you will also find local markets where you can haggle the prices the fit your budget.
Be aware that finding western sizing in Korea is often an issue for expatriates. Particularly for clothes in larger sizes for both men and women, clothing can be very difficult to find. For plus size clothing, it his highly recommended to import items from your home country. Research size conversions thoroughly, but know that on average, Koreans are smaller and shorter than westerners, making their clothing similarly difficult to size. Also, Korean style of dress differs greatly in many respects from styles of the west. Particularly for men, it is considered fashionable for men to wear fitted pants and shirts, whereas the western style is seemingly favors a more relaxed, looser fitting garments.
Monday, May 3, 2010
CHALLENGE:$0 to $15,000/month in 12 Months!
Over the past 30 days of being a member of this amazing marketing system, it has become clear to me that not only is this working for me, but it can also work for me as well as it has for the leaders and top earners that are teaching me.
Therefore, in the spirit of coming to play and playing to win, I have instated a challenge for myself: $ 0 to $15,000/month in 12 Months!!!
Why so long Danielle? Why are you taking 12 months to make as much as some have made in 1 or 2 months? has been a common question & response. To that I say that this challenge has two definite components - time frame, and goal income. I am in this for the long haul, and my commitment to this time frame keeps me in a long-term frame of mind instead of the short term here and now. Day to day, things will change, but over time, the destination stays the same. Leaders are finishers- not just good starters, and that's exactly what I will be.
Honestly, it might take me a few months less, or more to achieve the $15k mark- only time will tell. However, I am 100% committed to seeing this challenge through to the end.
Follow and track my progress right here as I share tips and strategies that I am learning and implementing to get me closer to my goal.
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it! -Dani Johnson
Therefore, in the spirit of coming to play and playing to win, I have instated a challenge for myself: $ 0 to $15,000/month in 12 Months!!!
Why so long Danielle? Why are you taking 12 months to make as much as some have made in 1 or 2 months? has been a common question & response. To that I say that this challenge has two definite components - time frame, and goal income. I am in this for the long haul, and my commitment to this time frame keeps me in a long-term frame of mind instead of the short term here and now. Day to day, things will change, but over time, the destination stays the same. Leaders are finishers- not just good starters, and that's exactly what I will be.
Honestly, it might take me a few months less, or more to achieve the $15k mark- only time will tell. However, I am 100% committed to seeing this challenge through to the end.
Follow and track my progress right here as I share tips and strategies that I am learning and implementing to get me closer to my goal.
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it! -Dani Johnson
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
FACT: Your Small Business Will Fail...
The fact of the matter is your small business will FAIL if you don't get your product and/or service to viable buyers.
I was reading an article on CBS News website today about how small businesses throughout America are faltering during these economic times. One lady even said she was already anticipating 30% loss this year from last. Is that scary?!?
The even bigger, less evident truth is that many of these small business owners simply won't be able to weather the storm during this economic climate. It seems like God's way of flushing the marketplace, because, on the other hand, there are businesses that are flourishing during these times.
As many inspirational souls have said, if you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done. It's not usually used in this context, but it's fitting nontheless, because there are so many small business owners that need to wake up!
The conventional ways of marketing services, products, or even a job opening are out! Print ads, newspaper classifieds, radio spots, ect are all wonderful in their respects, and can still generate you some traffic. However, with the Billions of people on the internet today, there is no cheaper, faster,or more efficient way to get you and your company to the marketplace. So what are you waiting for?
The time is now! As an entrepreneur, you are not here to lose money or fail. Put your innovation and ingenuity to work and tackle that elephant in the room before it devours everything you've worked so diligently to build.
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it!- Dani Johnson
skype: Danielle_Ruffin
I was reading an article on CBS News website today about how small businesses throughout America are faltering during these economic times. One lady even said she was already anticipating 30% loss this year from last. Is that scary?!?
The even bigger, less evident truth is that many of these small business owners simply won't be able to weather the storm during this economic climate. It seems like God's way of flushing the marketplace, because, on the other hand, there are businesses that are flourishing during these times.
As many inspirational souls have said, if you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done. It's not usually used in this context, but it's fitting nontheless, because there are so many small business owners that need to wake up!
The conventional ways of marketing services, products, or even a job opening are out! Print ads, newspaper classifieds, radio spots, ect are all wonderful in their respects, and can still generate you some traffic. However, with the Billions of people on the internet today, there is no cheaper, faster,or more efficient way to get you and your company to the marketplace. So what are you waiting for?
The time is now! As an entrepreneur, you are not here to lose money or fail. Put your innovation and ingenuity to work and tackle that elephant in the room before it devours everything you've worked so diligently to build.
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it!- Dani Johnson
skype: Danielle_Ruffin
Friday, April 23, 2010
Succès, Tagumpay, Yспех, επιτυχία, éxito, Successo, Thành Công...
Success in any language is still just that: SUCCESS! It's key that we all remember as marketers and world citizens alike, not to forget that today, more than ever, industries and markets are becoming global.
I was actually just at the bank today here in South Korea and the teller was showing me graphs and projections about the performance of Bank of America and how it has affected the banking industry in South Korea. For those of you not familiar, South Korea is a tiny peninsula of land with one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
Today, more than ever, as most the non-English speaking countries of the world struggle to learn the language of business, it's important for us westerners/native English speakers to do our part in reaching out as well.
As our international community of entrepreneurs continues to expand, it's imperative that our focus widens to include all nations- fortunate and not alike. For if we don't, the swift hand of innovation always doubles back. Our charge as marketers is greater than just increasing our down-lines; it is essentially threading nations together under one unified goal: Success.
Hope to see you all at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it- Dani Johnson
I was actually just at the bank today here in South Korea and the teller was showing me graphs and projections about the performance of Bank of America and how it has affected the banking industry in South Korea. For those of you not familiar, South Korea is a tiny peninsula of land with one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
Today, more than ever, as most the non-English speaking countries of the world struggle to learn the language of business, it's important for us westerners/native English speakers to do our part in reaching out as well.
As our international community of entrepreneurs continues to expand, it's imperative that our focus widens to include all nations- fortunate and not alike. For if we don't, the swift hand of innovation always doubles back. Our charge as marketers is greater than just increasing our down-lines; it is essentially threading nations together under one unified goal: Success.
Hope to see you all at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for success to be easy; ask for it to be worth it- Dani Johnson
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
It's Not the Start That Counts!
We have often heard the old adage, don't start what you can't finish. Yet, how many of us actually take it to heart?
True enough, as entrepreneurs and leaders around the globe, we are sometimes forced to throw ourselves in the forefront, and consequently take a few more shots than most. We see and experience many difficulties that our co-horts who have chosen to stay in the background will never face, because we have chosen to stand up, stand out, and let our voices be heard.
However, is this price not worth the reward? As leaders, we are forced through said trials to be refined and consequently, we bring forth the best in ourselves that many of us didn't even know existed . This process polishes us and enriches our lives in every way- all while rewarding us financially.
It's common knowledge in this industry that one's income grows, following their personal development. Personal growth and development determine whether or not we will heed the call to action, persevere during the toughest of times, and ultimately, finish what we have started.
In this industry today, there is so much emphasis on "Getting Started", when it's the finishing part where over 80% FAIL. Are you a true leader who is doing what it takes every day to finish the race? Because it doesn't matter where you start; it's where you finish that warrants the victory.
Hope to see you to the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Dont't ask for it to be easy; ask for it to be worth it- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
True enough, as entrepreneurs and leaders around the globe, we are sometimes forced to throw ourselves in the forefront, and consequently take a few more shots than most. We see and experience many difficulties that our co-horts who have chosen to stay in the background will never face, because we have chosen to stand up, stand out, and let our voices be heard.
However, is this price not worth the reward? As leaders, we are forced through said trials to be refined and consequently, we bring forth the best in ourselves that many of us didn't even know existed . This process polishes us and enriches our lives in every way- all while rewarding us financially.
It's common knowledge in this industry that one's income grows, following their personal development. Personal growth and development determine whether or not we will heed the call to action, persevere during the toughest of times, and ultimately, finish what we have started.
In this industry today, there is so much emphasis on "Getting Started", when it's the finishing part where over 80% FAIL. Are you a true leader who is doing what it takes every day to finish the race? Because it doesn't matter where you start; it's where you finish that warrants the victory.
Hope to see you to the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Dont't ask for it to be easy; ask for it to be worth it- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
Saturday, April 17, 2010
4 Ways for Expats to Make Extra Money
As many of you know, I am an expat- person living outside of my country of citizenship. I've been living in South Korea now for over 14 months. As expatriates of our respective countries, it's easy to sometimes find ourselves trapped within the confines of our employment- which, in many cases, is our sole motivation for living abroad.
With all the muck and fuss with visas, contracts, and language barriers, it seems many times like there is no way to flourish financially beyond the set means of our employers.
This article is devoted to creative approaches to generating extra income while living, working, studying outside of your home country.
1. English Tutoring
English, in many parts of the globe, is a hot commodity. Assuming that you are comprehending what is written here, you surely have the capacity to teach English to natives with skills ranging from low levels on up to fluency. However, before you start posting fliers all over your neighborhood, be sure that you check the laws in your country in regards to foreigners employment. Particularly if your visa is linked to your employer( ie: you are in the country on a work visa), be sure to know the laws surrounding your pursuit of supplementary employment sources BEFORE pursuing anything. Depending on what you find, you may be in the clear, or might have to make a calculated assessment of the situation to see if the benefits outweigh the cons and possibility of getting caught(and deported)!
However, if you do decide to pursue English tutoring, know that it is a lucrative market, depending on where you are in the world, the saturation of native English speakers in the market, and the economic situation of the host country.
Resource: www.ESLCafe.com
I recommend this site because they have listings for teaching positions all over the globe.
2. Promotion
This is an obvious one, but getting a promotion in your current job can be a way to make extra cash while living abroad. Getting promoted from abroad though can be difficult, particularly when your boss or supervisor might not even be on site with you, or on the same continent for that matter.
However, getting promoted in any organization begins with you proving more value to the current situation that you take. Adding value to your workplace can be as simple anything from taking on the extra hours that nobody else wants, to communicating effectively and being a source of positive energy in a negative office environment. Overall, it never hurt to try!
Resource: www.DaniJohnson.com
I recommend this resource as a way to improve your personal skills in working with people, and ultimately increasing the value you personally offer to your organization, family, and everyone that knows you.
3. Starting Business
Starting a business has become easier than ever with today's technologies. Additionally, starting a business can provide a more long-term solution to your financial woes. Depending on the flexibility of your business- whether or not it can be operated without your physical presence, you might even be able to take your flourishing business with you on your next overseas assignment, or back to your home country when your employment term is finished. Starting a business can also give you certain tax benefits, depending on your country's regulations.
Again, do your due diligence in regards to laws about foreigners owning businesses in your respective host country. Additionally, know that businesses come with expenses that will be yours to bear as sole proprietor. Therefore, an initial investment is definitely necessary when strongly considering doing business abroad. It is advisable to start a business that is more or less automated as to avoid dealing with issues that come with having employees, as well, have capabilities to be run remotely from your home country(if you intend on ever going home or travel frequently on business). In addition, lowering costs may be key to your financial success because many countries do not readily offer bank loans or business lines of credit to foreigners as well, again, putting the weight of expenses solely on you.
Resource: www.NotEasyButWorthIt.com
This site is by two guys that have made millions in business for themselves marketing via internet remotely from all over the world.
4. Financial Investments
Expanding and diversifying your investment portfolio while living abroad can be a great way to put extra funds to work for you while you are hard at work as well. Depending on the amount of money you want to invest will determine exactly which financial instruments you are eligible to use.
Finding a good Financial Adviser that speaks English will be your first task. After that, surely be cognoscente of the length of time surrounding each investment product option and how they coincide with your immigration situation. For example, opening a 2-year high interest yielding Certificate of Deposit(CD) is a great idea only if you will be there on site in the host country in 2 years. Also, I have always been wary of signing papers in a language I can't understand- particularly when there is a large sum of my money on the line. Working with a firm in your home country is possible, particularly if you travel to your home country frequently, but can be a real pain when it comes to communicating with time differences and coinciding business hours.
Investing for the future is a necessity, but if you don't have some money set aside that you can live without ever seeing again( remember there is a risk involved), then this may not be the option for you. However, if you've really been saving your pennies taking advantage of the cheap cost of living in your host country while pocketing more money than you spend, a financial investment might just what you need!
Resource: http://www.iamadvisors.com/
This is a firm that works specifically with expatriates. I have never used their services, but seems to be good resource, particularly for American expats.
In an effort to give complete and relevant information to all readers, please feel free to leave comments, additional information, and links to resources that you have found. Expats unite!
With all the muck and fuss with visas, contracts, and language barriers, it seems many times like there is no way to flourish financially beyond the set means of our employers.
This article is devoted to creative approaches to generating extra income while living, working, studying outside of your home country.
1. English Tutoring
English, in many parts of the globe, is a hot commodity. Assuming that you are comprehending what is written here, you surely have the capacity to teach English to natives with skills ranging from low levels on up to fluency. However, before you start posting fliers all over your neighborhood, be sure that you check the laws in your country in regards to foreigners employment. Particularly if your visa is linked to your employer( ie: you are in the country on a work visa), be sure to know the laws surrounding your pursuit of supplementary employment sources BEFORE pursuing anything. Depending on what you find, you may be in the clear, or might have to make a calculated assessment of the situation to see if the benefits outweigh the cons and possibility of getting caught(and deported)!
However, if you do decide to pursue English tutoring, know that it is a lucrative market, depending on where you are in the world, the saturation of native English speakers in the market, and the economic situation of the host country.
Resource: www.ESLCafe.com
I recommend this site because they have listings for teaching positions all over the globe.
2. Promotion
This is an obvious one, but getting a promotion in your current job can be a way to make extra cash while living abroad. Getting promoted from abroad though can be difficult, particularly when your boss or supervisor might not even be on site with you, or on the same continent for that matter.
However, getting promoted in any organization begins with you proving more value to the current situation that you take. Adding value to your workplace can be as simple anything from taking on the extra hours that nobody else wants, to communicating effectively and being a source of positive energy in a negative office environment. Overall, it never hurt to try!
Resource: www.DaniJohnson.com
I recommend this resource as a way to improve your personal skills in working with people, and ultimately increasing the value you personally offer to your organization, family, and everyone that knows you.
3. Starting Business
Starting a business has become easier than ever with today's technologies. Additionally, starting a business can provide a more long-term solution to your financial woes. Depending on the flexibility of your business- whether or not it can be operated without your physical presence, you might even be able to take your flourishing business with you on your next overseas assignment, or back to your home country when your employment term is finished. Starting a business can also give you certain tax benefits, depending on your country's regulations.
Again, do your due diligence in regards to laws about foreigners owning businesses in your respective host country. Additionally, know that businesses come with expenses that will be yours to bear as sole proprietor. Therefore, an initial investment is definitely necessary when strongly considering doing business abroad. It is advisable to start a business that is more or less automated as to avoid dealing with issues that come with having employees, as well, have capabilities to be run remotely from your home country(if you intend on ever going home or travel frequently on business). In addition, lowering costs may be key to your financial success because many countries do not readily offer bank loans or business lines of credit to foreigners as well, again, putting the weight of expenses solely on you.
Resource: www.NotEasyButWorthIt.com
This site is by two guys that have made millions in business for themselves marketing via internet remotely from all over the world.
4. Financial Investments
Expanding and diversifying your investment portfolio while living abroad can be a great way to put extra funds to work for you while you are hard at work as well. Depending on the amount of money you want to invest will determine exactly which financial instruments you are eligible to use.
Finding a good Financial Adviser that speaks English will be your first task. After that, surely be cognoscente of the length of time surrounding each investment product option and how they coincide with your immigration situation. For example, opening a 2-year high interest yielding Certificate of Deposit(CD) is a great idea only if you will be there on site in the host country in 2 years. Also, I have always been wary of signing papers in a language I can't understand- particularly when there is a large sum of my money on the line. Working with a firm in your home country is possible, particularly if you travel to your home country frequently, but can be a real pain when it comes to communicating with time differences and coinciding business hours.
Investing for the future is a necessity, but if you don't have some money set aside that you can live without ever seeing again( remember there is a risk involved), then this may not be the option for you. However, if you've really been saving your pennies taking advantage of the cheap cost of living in your host country while pocketing more money than you spend, a financial investment might just what you need!
Resource: http://www.iamadvisors.com/
This is a firm that works specifically with expatriates. I have never used their services, but seems to be good resource, particularly for American expats.
In an effort to give complete and relevant information to all readers, please feel free to leave comments, additional information, and links to resources that you have found. Expats unite!
I Was Absolutely Shocked When I Heard...
I was absolutely shocked when I heard what World-Renowned, Successful Traditional Entrepreneur had launched a recent project to join the ranks of the Elite Internet Marketers worldwide. Honestly, I wouldn't have ever guessed who this Prestigious, Famed and Esteemed Business Tycoon was in a million years.
Didn't hear the news? C1ick here to find out exactly who I'm are talking about!
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
"Don't ask for it to be easy; ask for it to be worth it"- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
Didn't hear the news? C1ick here to find out exactly who I'm are talking about!
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
"Don't ask for it to be easy; ask for it to be worth it"- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
Thursday, April 15, 2010
How Many Millionaires Do You Know???
We have all heard the saying birds of a feather flock together and surely, it makes sense that if one was to take the average income of the 10 individuals with whom you spend the most time, it's likely that your income to be about the average of that of those 10 people. So at this point, it's safe to say that this statement is leaning away from theory and towards fact.
You want to make millions(or at least six figures) in your home business, right? Knowing this, the next logical step would be to find people that are making the kind of money you want to make, and spend time with them. It's a no brainer!
However, how many millionaires do you know?
Is there one next door(for those of you familiar with the book, pardon the pun)? Maybe you know a few from work, or the health club?
Well, seeing as less than 3% of the US population makes six figures or more per year, it's not likely that you know any millionaires. Assuming you aren't peeking over people's shoulders at the ATM, how would you know if someone was a millionaire or not?
For that question, I have no real answer, but what I do know is this: if you don't find a way to get yourself acquainted with people that have the kind of lifestyle you desire and the income that you deserve, you will never get there yourself.
True leaders make a way. What will you do? I know what I did, and my life hasn't been the same since.
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
"Don't ask for it to be easy; ask for it to be worth it"- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
You want to make millions(or at least six figures) in your home business, right? Knowing this, the next logical step would be to find people that are making the kind of money you want to make, and spend time with them. It's a no brainer!
However, how many millionaires do you know?
Is there one next door(for those of you familiar with the book, pardon the pun)? Maybe you know a few from work, or the health club?
Well, seeing as less than 3% of the US population makes six figures or more per year, it's not likely that you know any millionaires. Assuming you aren't peeking over people's shoulders at the ATM, how would you know if someone was a millionaire or not?
For that question, I have no real answer, but what I do know is this: if you don't find a way to get yourself acquainted with people that have the kind of lifestyle you desire and the income that you deserve, you will never get there yourself.
True leaders make a way. What will you do? I know what I did, and my life hasn't been the same since.
Hope to see you at the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
"Don't ask for it to be easy; ask for it to be worth it"- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
$$$FREE Money$$$
I decided to give my readers some free money in this one because we could all use a little(or a lot)! This article will focus on 3 ways to market your business online for FREE- essentially, putting free money in your pocket. We all know, if it doesn't make dollars, then it doesn't make sense. But today, I'm going to flip that around to say the opposite. For the purposes of this article, if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make dollars. Why, you ask? Well, because the number one rule for communicating with others is to first speak the language they understand. In marketing, it's the same principle: if you are not targeting your marketing to speak to your targeted audience, your results will be mediocre; at best. Why? Because focused marketing attracts focused prospects. Imagine someone who is searching for a vacation package. If they are simply window shopping, what would they type into a search engine? Things like "cheap vacations" or "hot travel destinations". However, if they're a focused prospect, that is, they are ready to buy that trip with credit card in hand, they're search is usually much more targeted. ie: "Seoul South Korea city tour package for family in July". Now, if you're selling vacations, which prospect would you rather have??? Both might be attracted to the same travel site, but who is more likely to buy? I'll let you figure that one out. Therefore, the first step in preparation to go after your free cash is to make a targeted marketing plan so you can attract fewer Looky Loo's and more Ready Freddie's. Once you have identified your target audience, then it's time to get busy marketing! 1. Article Marketing: Write strategic articles about information your target audience is searching for on the internet. When writing your articles, do not include any sales copy about how fabulous your company or product happens to be. People are inundated with such information all day, every day. Again, how do you get people to pay attention to your article instead of the flashing banner at the top of the page? Give them something they're interested in reading. In these articles, be informative, objective, and non-demanding. Again, you're trying to help the reader/future prospect get something they're looking for. In return, you are then positioned as the expert that can assist them in finding said information, further adding weight to your name and credibility to this prospect. When you've finished writing, publish these articles on different websites like Ezine.com , ArticleBlast.com , ArticleDashboard.com , and anywhere else you can to target audience is getting information. 2. Video Marketing: Use sites like YouTube.com , MetaCafe.com , and so many others to rev up your video marketing campaign. If you're looking for good content, look to your articles, or the articles of what others are saying in the field of your targeted audience's interest. Take notes from those that your target audience respects, and use them for ideas. By no means is it allowable to plagiarize or use some else content verbatim, but it never hurt as a source of ideas. 3. Social Media: You're on the internet, so chances are, you are a part of social networks like FaceBook, Twitter, Ning, LinkedIn, etc,. These are great hubs to generate interest around you, your cause, product, or company.You can, after posting articles, direct traffic from your social networks to view your articles- therefore providing you with free traffic to your work, and further establishing you as a leader and a presence in the marketplace while improving your rankings in search engines. In closing, for some of you that feel this is a bit overwhelming, simply remember that the main idea of your marketing plan should be how you can provide your targeted audience with the information they crave. When you do this well enough, they will be seeking out your expert advice instead of you chasing them down with brochures and DVDs. The methods to do this are numerous, but the idea is always the same: provide value and drive traffic. If your marketing plan can successfully complete those two tasks, you're in business! And business is good!!! Hope to see you at the top! Danielle L. Ruffin www.NotEasyButWorthIt.com "Don't ask for it to be easy, ask for it to be worth it" ~Dani Johnson Skype: Danielle_Ruffin Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com |
About The Author:
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
3 MUST HAVES Before Becoming an Entrepreneur
If you're considering entrepreneurship as a solution, or even if you've been in business for yourself for a while now, it's important to know first, if you have what it takes to make your business successful.
Particularly in the home-based business arena, many are sold on the benefits of going into business for themselves, yet never really get educated on what it truly takes to make the kind of numbers the company flaunts in its literature and presentations.
So here you have it: 3 things you MUST have before starting a successful home-based business.
1. Mindset
Yes! If you are not in the frame of mind that you will do whatever it takes for however long it takes to get the results you want, don't waste your time. Leaders and top earners alike know better than anyone that it's, above all, about keeping your head in the game.
2. Assets
I hate to be the bearer of bad news here guys, but if you're one of those people who thinks you can simply call 3 people and you're in business, OR, believe you can create a successful business from the ground for the endearing price of FREE-ninty-nine, you're DEAD WRONG! Your business will require assets: money, time, and you. A combination of all 3 is required at every level- from beginner to Quadruple Diamond Deluxe Extreme Supreme Leader-of-the-Century. If you were sold the idea that you could make millions without investing a dollar, you've been duped/had/ hoodwinked/fooled/bamboozled! Furthermore, beware of marketers that promote this get something for nothing ideology.Take some advice from my man, 70's performer, Billy Preston: "Nothin' from nothin' leaves NOTHIN'".
3. Humility
I know you're wondering at this point 'what the heck does she mean I need humility to start a successful business??? However, but it's true. Unfortunately, many people become entrepreneurs with the idea that "I'm gonna do it my way", or wanting to re-invent the wheel. Do yourself a favor and check your ego at the door because it will only keep BROKE and FRUSTRATED! That's not to say that innovation and creativity are not important- they are! However, as a new business developer, your goal should be to be the best copy cat you can be. Find someone who has what you want and do what they do. Simple philosophy, but you'd be amazed how many people's ego won't let them complete this simple action.
So there you have it: 3 things you should totally have before you add the title of "Entrepreneur" to your resume. Best of luck to you, and hope to see you a the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for it to be easy, ask for it to be worth it.- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com
Particularly in the home-based business arena, many are sold on the benefits of going into business for themselves, yet never really get educated on what it truly takes to make the kind of numbers the company flaunts in its literature and presentations.
So here you have it: 3 things you MUST have before starting a successful home-based business.
1. Mindset
Yes! If you are not in the frame of mind that you will do whatever it takes for however long it takes to get the results you want, don't waste your time. Leaders and top earners alike know better than anyone that it's, above all, about keeping your head in the game.
2. Assets
I hate to be the bearer of bad news here guys, but if you're one of those people who thinks you can simply call 3 people and you're in business, OR, believe you can create a successful business from the ground for the endearing price of FREE-ninty-nine, you're DEAD WRONG! Your business will require assets: money, time, and you. A combination of all 3 is required at every level- from beginner to Quadruple Diamond Deluxe Extreme Supreme Leader-of-the-Century. If you were sold the idea that you could make millions without investing a dollar, you've been duped/had/ hoodwinked/fooled/bamboozled! Furthermore, beware of marketers that promote this get something for nothing ideology.Take some advice from my man, 70's performer, Billy Preston: "Nothin' from nothin' leaves NOTHIN'".
3. Humility
I know you're wondering at this point 'what the heck does she mean I need humility to start a successful business??? However, but it's true. Unfortunately, many people become entrepreneurs with the idea that "I'm gonna do it my way", or wanting to re-invent the wheel. Do yourself a favor and check your ego at the door because it will only keep BROKE and FRUSTRATED! That's not to say that innovation and creativity are not important- they are! However, as a new business developer, your goal should be to be the best copy cat you can be. Find someone who has what you want and do what they do. Simple philosophy, but you'd be amazed how many people's ego won't let them complete this simple action.
So there you have it: 3 things you should totally have before you add the title of "Entrepreneur" to your resume. Best of luck to you, and hope to see you a the top!
Danielle L. Ruffin
Don't ask for it to be easy, ask for it to be worth it.- Dani Johnson
Skype: Danielle_Ruffin
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com
About The Author:
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.
Danielle is a sister, daughter, teacher, niece, friend, and respected entrepreneur amongst many other things. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, USA, Danielle has lived all over the globe, and is currently an expatriate living in South Korea. Her focus: creating measurable results over time in all she does.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Being the Best Starts by Working with the Best!
It's obvious, right. How can you get somewhere you've never been without the help of at least one person who has been there? Clearly, the figuratively blind leading the blind will get you nowhere fast.
This is the exact approach I took and I encourage anyone else to take when making the decision to learn ANY new skill. Intrinsically, it only makes sense when trying to attain something we've never had to learn it or get it from someone who already has that which we desire.
Simple. Being the best starts by working with the best.
This is the exact approach I took and I encourage anyone else to take when making the decision to learn ANY new skill. Intrinsically, it only makes sense when trying to attain something we've never had to learn it or get it from someone who already has that which we desire.
Simple. Being the best starts by working with the best.
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